Feed & Grain Data Management


WEM's suite of Automation, Mobile, and Traceability solutions lead the Industry - making WEM Automation the clear choice for your facility's needs.

By utilizing Allen Bradley PLC, Microsoft SQL Server™ Database and high end HMI software, we are able to produce a user friendly, detailed oriented, cost-efficient control solution.  Detailed record-keeping, Lot Code managed product traceability plus customizable reporting combine to support your Quality Assurance certification for HACCP, FAMIQI, FSMA, customer audits, and more.

Automated medicated interlocking will ensure peace of mind from contamination in mixing and downstream processes.  With over sixty years of automation development, our experience is second to none!

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

SPC is the tool that collects statistical data to measure and analyze quality levels at various plant production check points.  WEM provides industry standard Shewhart Control charts and historian graphs to help staff review and react to quality levels within the plant.

LG WEB SPC Start End

X Bar & R Charts

The X Bar chart presents the average deviation from target for each ingredient weighment made from a specific bin.  The R Chart presents the range of deviation for each ingredient weighment made from a specific bin.  

These charts offer distinct advantages over other methods of data analysis by identifying distinct determinations of process stability and process behavior.

Click on the image for a closer look.
WEM Analytics - Feed & Grain
"With over 65 years of Automation development, our experience is second to none!"

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Key Performance Indicators are high-level snapshots of performance on specific, predefined measures, providing the tool to gauge progress toward established goals.

 WEM’s KPI reporting system provides plant activity information in a chart/graphical format.  Extensive options are provided for data grouping, data selection, and real-time manipulation of the charts.

Click on the image for a closer look.

KPI Reporting Options

WEM systems come with pre-defined, standard template charts. These standard charts may be modified to meet specific, local preferences.

Users are also able to create their own specific KPI Report if a standard template is not available.  By utilizing the WEM DataManger system, users are guided through the process to help create their own specific report.

Click on the image for a closer look.

Historian Frequency

The histogram presents the distribution of the deviations, of each ingredient, as weighed from an ingredient bin. Histograms are great aids in determining the process capability and the distribution of the data being sampled.  Histograms of data are available for all batching bins.

Click on the image for a closer look.

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