Connect with Data for Fact-Based Decisions

Connect with Data for Fact-Based Decisions

Pet Food Industry

February 25, 2020

Connect with Data for fact based decisions

Virtually connect your facility equipment via an IoT System Network. Acquire data to drive feedback response for optimal quality & performance.

Let's Talk Sensors

Equipment sensors connected through an IoT Network have the ability to collect syncronis data to make instantaneous adjustments to process controls.


Optimize Production

With an IoT Network, you can optimize production, accuracy, and quality. The ability to automate and collect data from your plant has become a necessity for optimal performance to stay competitive and provide a quality product.


The Connection

With time tested software we can help you connect with data to produce dynamic reports, real-time trend lines, and operational dashboards to drive fact-based decisions and bottom-line performance.

real time production trends and operational dashboards

Serving client automation needs since 1955, WEM provides cost-effective solutions from small family-owned facilities, to large global corporations with hundreds of facilities.

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