Solutions from WEM will meet the specific needs of your operation from manual lot code tracking to automated processes, using barcode technology to enter and control inventory transactions.
Advances in automation, device connectivity and data management are making it possible for the modern warehouse to deliver on time, improve efficiency, accuracy and manage costs. WEM Automation has extended its’ software product line to manage raw material, work-in-process (WIP) and finished goods inventory.
"Data retention systems are configured by WEM to meet all industry and internal requirements."
At WEM we understand that not one solution fits all our customer's needs. We know that product flexibility for those needs is important.
That is why we offer both a complete inventory management system, from receiving to shipment, or at any point in between.
Beyond offering all levels of warehouse automation, from manual entry to highly automated systems, adding mobile connectivity improves efficiencies and enables authorized inventory management and adjustments to take place real-time, from almost any location.
The team of software engineers at WEM deploy standard interfaces as well as developing custom integration to customer ERP systems. Their solutions create a seamless transfer of data, improved accuracy while reducing labor and errors caused by multiple data entries.
"It used to take us two days every quarter to perform a physical inventory, now with WEM it takes us 4 hours - and we're more accurate."