

WEM realizes that the better your team knows the WEM Control System, the more efficient it will perform. To aid in making your operators and maintenance team the best that they can be, WEM offers a full line of training options.

Online Training

A WEM Technician takes control of the system remotely to show the operator how to run the system.

The WEM Technician can then watch the Operator control the next few runs and make any corrections needed until they feel comfortable with the system.

Remote, Online Training can also be offered for training updates, new Operator training or even training on a particular feature your staff is struggling with.

WEM Automation - Online Training - Remote Connection Training

On-Site Training

A WEM Technician walks the Operator through the control system while providing corrections or hints.

With in-person assistance, a WEM Technician has the ability to incorporate actual mechanical components into the training. This is particularly helpful with issues like calibration, understanding your PLC and maintenance training.

WEM Automation - On site Training - control system training at the plant

WEM Sponsored Training Conference

Every other year, WEM hosts a two and a half-day Training Conference. These conferences are comprised of hands-on and classroom training that is divided into tracks.

Customers from all over the world come to network with industry professionals and learn best practices.

WEM Automation - Customer Focused Conference - Hands on group learning

Individual WEM Training Conferences

WEM can host a customer-focused training conference for just your team with classroom sessions and hands-on training.

This is usually requested by larger companies with multiple sites who have enough students to make it cost-effective. This training can occur at your facility or a local site of your preference.

This training goes beyond the On-Site Training described above, however, WEM is able to follow a conference track format or tailor it to your instructions if you want certain topics covered.

WEM Automation - Training Conferences - Hands on controls learning

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